Decoding Dog Food: Which Protein Is the Best?

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In my nearly 40 years as a devoted dog breeder, my furry companions – Pomeranians, Bichon Frises, and Maltese Bichons – inspired a journey to create optimal nutrition. This quest led to the birth of Nature's Protection, my own dog food brand. Crafted with hypoallergenic protein sources like white fish, salmon, herring, lamb, and even insects, it's designed to provide the very best for our four-legged friends. Let's explore the goodness of these proteins to ensure your pup's bowl is filled with not just food but a recipe for well-being.


Different Protein Sources




Lamb, a nutritional powerhouse, is teeming with essential nutrients. Rich in B vitamins, lamb supports energy metabolism, while zinc and iron contribute to immune health. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids aids in promoting a shiny coat and a healthy skin barrier. Additionally, lamb provides selenium, a potent antioxidant, offering protection against cellular damage.




Salmon, a delectable option, is a treasure trove of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA, enhance cognitive function and support joint health. The abundance of vitamin D in salmon aids in calcium absorption, promoting strong bones and teeth. Selenium and antioxidants contribute to overall cellular health, making salmon a holistic choice for your pup's well-being.


White Fish


White fish, gentle on sensitive stomachs, is a nutrient-packed choice. Abundant in lean protein, it supports muscle development. B vitamins like B12 contribute to energy metabolism, while phosphorus and selenium aid in maintaining strong bones and a healthy immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids, in the form of EPA and DHA, provide anti-inflammatory benefits and promote a lustrous coat.




Herring is a fantastic source of high-quality protein, offering amino acids essential for muscle development and overall health. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, herring contributes to a glossy coat, supports joint health, and enhances cognitive function. It's a flavorful and easily digestible protein option, making it suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, and selenium, herring adds a nutritional punch to your pup's diet, promoting robust muscles, a shiny coat, and overall well-being.




Insects may seem unconventional, but they offer a sustainable protein source with a rich nutrient profile. Packed with essential amino acids, insects support muscle development and repair. Iron, zinc, and B vitamins contribute to overall health, and the chitin in insect exoskeletons provides dietary fiber, aiding in digestion. Insects, a novel yet environmentally friendly choice, introduce a new dimension to canine nutrition.


Below is a simple table comparing the nutritional aspects of each protein source:





White Fish




High-quality protein

High-quality protein

Lean protein

High-quality protein

High-quality protein

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Present (beneficial for coat and joints)

Abundant (supports coat, joints, and cognitive function)

Present (supports coat and anti-inflammatory)

Abundant (supports coat, joints, and cognitive function)

Present (supports coat and overall health)


B12, Vitamin D

B12, Vitamin D

B12, Vitamin D

B12, Vitamin D

B12, Vitamin D


Iron, Zinc, Selenium

Iron, Zinc, Selenium

Phosphorus, Selenium

Phosphorus, Selenium

Iron, Zinc, B vitamins

Other Benefits

Easily digestible, supports immune health

Supports cognitive function, joint health

Gentle on sensitive stomachs, supports anti-inflammatory response

Flavorful, easily digestible, promotes robust muscles and shiny coat

Sustainable, rich in essential amino acids




In the world of canine nutrition, the protein source takes center stage, influencing everything from coat shine to immune resilience. As a dedicated breeder, I've witnessed the transformative power of hypoallergenic proteins like lamb, salmon, white fish, herring and insects. With Nature's Protection, my aim is to share these nutritional wonders with your canine companion, ensuring a journey of vitality, joy, and boundless tail wags. When you choose the best proteins, you're not just feeding your dog; you're nurturing a vibrant and thriving life.

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