Traveling with Your Pet: What to Do if They Get Car Sick

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Traveling by car with your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's important to be prepared to ensure both you and your furry friend have a comfortable trip. Whether it's a quick trip to the vet or a long road trip, there are several things to consider when traveling with your dog.


Feeding Your Pet Before a Car Trip


Proper timing for feeding your dog before a car trip is crucial to avoid discomfort and potential motion sickness.


  • Feed Four Hours Before Travel: It's generally recommended to feed your dog about four hours before the trip. This gives them enough time to digest their food and reduces the risk of nausea.
  • Smaller Meals if Short on Time: If you don't have four hours, feed your dog half of their usual portion. This prevents them from feeling hungry without causing discomfort.
  • Consider Fast Metabolism: If your dog has a fast metabolism and tends to vomit when hungry, it's okay to feed them a regular meal before the trip.


Handling Motion Sickness in Dogs


Motion sickness is common in dogs during car rides. Here are some tips to manage it:


  • Hold Your Dog's Head Still: Holding your dog’s head still can help reduce motion sickness. This stabilizes their inner ear and helps prevent nausea.
  • Use MicroZeoGen Supplements: Consider using supplements like MicroZeoGen, which contain volcanic clinoptilolite. These can help prevent motion sickness by managing stomach acidity and removing toxins from the body.
  • Regular Breaks and Hydration: Always have a travel water bottle filled with fresh water. Ensure your dog stays hydrated and take breaks every couple of hours so they can stretch their legs and relieve themselves.


What to Do If Your Dog Vomits


If your dog does vomit during the trip, here’s what you can do:


  • Clean Up Immediately: Clean up any mess promptly to prevent odors and stains from setting in.
  • Use Stain and Odor Removers: Keep products designed to remove pet stains and odors handy for quick cleanup.
  • Place Pee Pads: Place a washable pee pad under your dog to make clean-up easier in case of an accident. Choose multi-layered pads with good absorption and a non-slip bottom, like Misoko’s.






By preparing for your trip in advance, you can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for both you and your pet. From timing their meals correctly to handling motion sickness and ensuring regular hydration and breaks, each step is crucial. Remember, a well-prepared journey can lead to beautiful memories and a stress-free travel experience.


How soon before a trip should I feed my dog?

It’s best to feed your dog about four hours before the trip. This allows them enough time to digest their food and reduces the risk of nausea.

What can I do if my dog gets car sick?

Consider using supplements like MicroZeoGen to manage stomach acidity and remove toxins. Ensure your dog is well-hydrated and take frequent breaks.

What should I do if my dog vomits during the trip?

Clean up immediately using pet stain and odor removers. Place disposable pee pads under your dog to make clean-up easier in case of an accident.

How often should I stop during a long car trip?

Plan to stop every two hours to let your dog drink, walk, and relieve themselves. Regular breaks help keep your dog comfortable and happy.

What should I bring for my dog during a car trip?

Bring a travel water bottle filled with fresh water, disposable pee pads, cleaning supplies specifically designed for pet messes, and comfort items like their favorite blanket or toy.

Can I feed my dog just before the trip?

If your dog has a fast metabolism and tends to vomit when hungry, it's okay to feed them a regular meal just before the trip. However, if possible, try to feed them four hours before.

How can I prevent my dog from getting car sick?

Ensure they are well-hydrated, take frequent breaks, and consider using supplements like MicroZeoGen to manage motion sickness. Additionally, keeping the car cool and well-ventilated can help.

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