Food for Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

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The Shih tzu is a refined breed, which is why its stomach may be sensitive to food. To avoid allergies or diarrhea, make sure your dog doesn't eat expired foods or overly greasy, smoked, or fried foods. A carefully planned menu of natural products or a well-balanced diet is the key to your shih tzu's health.

SuperiorCare.Pet uses quality natural ingredients that include high protein content, a selection of fruits and vegetables, and other beneficial components, like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats. 

Health Benefits 

The hypoallergenic nature of Nature's Protection white dog food which you can order at an affordable cost is achieved by using ingredients such as white fish, salmon, lamb, or insects, which rarely cause allergic reactions. It also contains no wheat, gluten, or soy, which can trigger allergic reactions in some dogs. Fast delivery ensures that your pet will start its new delicious diet as soon as possible.

This brand provides a functional, unique diet and treats that support your dog's overall health, including skin, coat, teeth, bone, and immune system health, and support healthy energy levels.

Most often, shih tzu puppies are brought into the home at the age of two to three months. By this time, they have already learned to eat on their own and have tasted many foods. The breeder will tell you what to feed your shih tzu at such a young age. Your task is to listen to their advice and choose a certain system of nutrition. Namely, natural products or dry dog food for white dogs.

Feeding Guide and Usage Instructions 

At 3 months, a shih tzu pup is fed 4 times a day. The daily food allowance is about 4–7% of its weight. The baby can be transferred to three meals a day no earlier than 4 months of age. Adult norms (2–4% of the weight) and diet (2 times a day) are transitioned at the age of 8 months to a year. 

Feeding determines the rate of growth and development of pets. Improper feeding of a growing puppy has a negative effect not only on weight and growth but also on the physique.

The amount and calorie content of a shih tzu's diet are individual matters. Some dogs eat modestly, others have a huge appetite and can eat an impressive amount of food at a time. But in general, the Shih Tzu boasts an innate ability to control physiological needs. The obesity that can be sometimes found in Shih Tzu is usually due to a lack of exercise, not overeating. In such a case, a special Superior Care white dogs food from the Superior Care online store catalog is recommended to buy at a reasonable price as it contains a reduced amount of fat and helps avoid getting overweight.

The normal portion size for the Shih Tzu is one that the dog can eat at one time without distraction. After observing your pet for a few days, you can easily determine how much food to put in the bowl.

As for the approximate serving weight, for adult animals, it's 2—4% of their weight and 4–7% of the weight of a puppy. The volume and dietary regimen are always indicated on dry food packages, which will also make feeding your dog easier.

The task of the owner is to develop positive eating habits in the dog. When feeding shih tzu dogs, it's important to follow a well-defined schedule. Feed your dog in the same place that it's used to. Don't give it any food from the table: this way it will quickly learn to nibble, and it will be difficult to unlearn this bad habit.

As your dog gets older, he's much less active and less willing to play. Consequently, the calorie requirement decreases with age. For shih tzu dogs over 7–8 years old, it's recommended to slightly reduce the single food intake so that the dog doesn't overeat. However, the protein part of the diet can be slightly increased.